Monday, October 10, 2016


Before leaving San Francisco we thought we would look for Tony Bennett's heart. We tried Boudin's Bakery and BevMo.  Alas, we didn't find Tony's heart but we did find some good bread and wine.  A tip of the hat to Tom at BevMo for his recommendations.  Not a bad grape in the batch.

We left our friends in San Francisco and headed 20 minutes south to sleepy Pacifica.  Well, it used to be a sleepy little place.  Somebody woke it up.  Sue and I have been coming here for well over 20 years.  I guess we told too many folks how wonderful it was because now it is really crowded.  Actually the whole of California is getting crazy and I'm not just talking about the usual Golden State mental state.  We did unknowingly time our visit here for the Columbus Day weekend, Fleet Week and exhibitions by the Blue Angles.  I will say the Blue Angels contributed a few contrails to the sky.  Normally contrails are a photographers nemesis.  Luckily high winds dissipated the smoky trails and they perhaps added to the sunsets.

Blue Angel

Our friends Judy and Donna joined us in Pacifica for wine and appetizers at A Grape in the Fog.  It also occurred to me that the cheese we bought was called Foggy Morning.  The fog references were a reminder that the California coast is known for its fog.  We however, had arrived during their Indian Summer which provides a brief respite from the usual blanket of white.   In fact, some areas of the coast have fog so thick for up to ten or eleven months of the year that the lifting of the fog in October is cause for excitement and confusion.  You see it is during this "clearing of the fog" that people find out that for much of the last year they have been sleeping with their neighbor, or worse yet, are wearing socks that don't match.

Pacifica Sunset Without Fog
  Our waitress, Ana, at A Grape in the Fog, filled a napkin with recommendations for local jaunts for scenery.  We followed several and were rewarded with walks through tall redwoods and large cypress, coastal overlooks, and pleasant drives.  Locals know the best places, thanks Ana.  Your wine recommendations were appreciated as well.

Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Cypress Grove
Sue in Purisima Creek Redwood Forest

Jack on Bench at Fitzgerald Marine Reserve

Scene Top of Ridge Fitzgerald Marine Reserve

Saturday night we tried to just walk in to Nicks across from our hotel, it was an hour wait for a table.  I don't know about you but, I don't go out to dinner an hour before I think I might be hungry.  I go out when I'm ready to eat.  We crossed back to our side of the cul de sac and got a nice ocean view table at Moonraker's.

1 comment:

  1. If You think it's crowded in California now, just wait until they legalize recreational marijuana.
