Thursday, October 6, 2016

3,113.6 Miles Away

We made our 3,113.6 mile getaway without incident.  Well, we did have one little thing happen.  Our stay in Hollywood (Florida) was at a Hampton Inn.  We had to get up at 3:30 a.m. to catch our early flight.  I walked bleary eyed over to the sink to shave and turned on the hot water.  I heard hot water but did not see water, hot or cold.  I turned the knob off and back on again and heard but did not see the water.  I then glanced over to the shower to see if, like a movie comedy, someone had rerouted the plumbing.  Not one drop dripped from the shower head.  One more turn and my feet found the water.  It was coming from a ruptured line to the faucet.  Water was now all over the floor.  I shaved and brushed my teeth using the bathtub faucet.  The vacation has begun.  

Hampton Inn Bathroom

We watched the hotel TV to see that our friend Matthew had decided to ignore the meteorologists and to turn toward the SE Florida coast.  You can almost hear the weather gods laughing.  The Weather Channel has declared a state of emergency, they are running out of crayons.

We made it to San Francisco, rented a red Mustang convertible, and drove to stay a couple of days with our friends Donna & Keith.  The Mustang turned out to be a real chick magnet as you can see from the picture below.

Actually, that's me with Donna, our tour guide.  We spent two days touring with Donna.

We stopped to visit another friend, Judy who lives just blocks from Donna & Kieth.  Judy has a beautiful home overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge.  The view from her house is stunning.  Just look at a picture I took at her dining room table.

Judy's dining room

We then found out how clever Californians are.  Everyone knows about California's "wine country".  What goes with wine?  Why, cheese of course.  So now, mixed in and near wine country, is cheese country.  They have cheese farms all along a "cheese trail" just north of San Francisco.  I always wondered what sort of tree grows those little Babybel cheeses.

The "Cheese Trail" took us through dairy farms and patches of giant coastal redwoods.  It was a great drive through the rolling hills down curvy roads with the top down, sunny skies, and 70 degree weather.   The scenery was beautiful.  Below is a small church that was across from a cheese farm store.  I think that is a Babybel tree on the right.

Church in Cheese Country
Today is Thursday and we are due to leave Donna & Kieth's to head down to Pacifica for the next 5 days.  More later.

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